(2020年7月, 個展 ”Parallel World” によせて)
There are hidden messages. Marcel Proust called these "signs". Events lose their original purpose, and a completely different object or meaning appears. There is a definite sense of "joy" here, even if at first, we don't understand what it is - this is the mystery I want to capture. Within flowing clouds or passing wind, or even just looking into the mirror at yourself, underneath the sign exists something completely different. Most likely, you and I have had to work hard at making these discoveries.
I have experienced actual events like reading a girls' comic through winter in Germany, my friend and I facing each other with blue trays at the canteen in Greece, or the moon in Scotland shifting the moment I looked away from it. And like that, things resembling imaginary celestial bodies, including unreadable comics or mirrors showing nothing, have continued to appear to me over the years.
(July 2020, statement for solo exhibition “Parallel World” )

(2018年2月, 展覧会”漂白する私性 漂泊する詩性” ハンドアウトに掲載)